About NSTA - National Spasmodic Torticollis Association

Kathy Jurgensen

23 May

2014 Symposium Guest Speakers

Kathy Jurgenson – Hatha and Therapy Yoga Certified Instructor


Kathy Jurgensen has been involved with the fitness industry the majority of her adult life but began a career in rehabilitative fitness in 2003. She has helped and worked with several groups and hospitals in the care of patients recovering from different ailments and has provided a “bridge between recovering in a hospital setting to functioning in the outside environment.

Kathy is certified in Hatha Yoga and Therapy Yoya, stablity ball and band therapy and TRX (core strength training). Her primary emphasis is to develop a patient’s “core” musculature, thereby increasing their balance, coordination, endurance along with meditation exercise to help reduce stress at the patient’s own level of tolerance.

She is presently working with cancer patients, Bariatric patients (pre and post surgery), Parkinson’s patients, cardiac rehabilitation, and chemical dependency recovery.

In addition to personalizing therapy for each patient, Kathy provides an “non-threatening” regimen and develops a sense of “community” with each group she helps